
Micah Charitable Foundation

Get involved with our Foundation and help us create a sustainable environment for rural communities and schools in Mutekedza and Masikana villages. By making a booking with us we contribute a percentage towards the foundation or you can donate directly, we work transparently and we involve the community to ensure that 100% of all proceeds are put into the community projects and the progress is tracked and measured.

Masikana Primary and Secondary Schools

Masikana Schools have been there since the 90s. This school is located in Marondera District of Zimbabwe and was opened up to serve over 12 rural villages under chief Chisvo and other nearby resettlement farms. The combined schools have  over 800 children and some walk as far as 10km every morning to get to classes and finish off at 4pm. All students are from poor backgrounds and families who are all subsistence farmers in this area. Ever since the schools were opened there was only 1 manual borehole which provided water and served over the whole community. Since Micah Charitable Foundation identified the school, we have been consistently paying school fees for the children, we drilled the first ever solar powered borehole, we provide stationary and sanitary pads for the women at school and the community. Going forward we will be servicing the boreholes and we want to create an irrigation project to help sustain and feed the school and community, we will work with the community stakeholders to ensure school fees are paid for the students and also create a fund to send some students to tertiary education. We also want to build a centre for information technology and provide electricity to the school. To get involved in this work please contact us via email.

Mutekedza Secondary School

Mutekedza Secondary School is also known as Zvamatobwe Secondary School and has been there since the 70s. This school is located in Wedza District of Zimbabwe and was opened up to serve over 20 rural villages, the bulk of which fall under chief Mutekedza. At any given time, it has over 500 children and some walk as far as 10km every morning to get to classes and finish off at 4pm. All students are from poor backgrounds and families who are all subsistence farmers in this area. Ever since it was opened the school had 1 manual borehole which had gone out of order in 2017 and that borehole served over 2000 people including the community. Since Micah Charitable Foundation identified the school, we have been consistently paying school fees for the children, we drilled the first ever solar powered borehole, we provide stationary and sanitary pads for the women at school and the community. Going forward we will be servicing the boreholes and we want to create an irrigation project to help sustain and feed the school and community,we will work with the community stakeholders to ensure school fees are paid for the students and also create a fund to send some students to tertiary education. We also want to build a centre for information technology and provide electricity to the school. To get involved in this work please contact us via email.